buffer n. 1.【机械工程】缓冲器,缓冲垫;阻尼器,减震器;消声器。 2.【化学】缓冲,缓冲剂。 3.缓冲者;缓冲物;缓冲国(= buffer state〕。 4.〔计算机〕缓冲存储装置。 oil buffer【机械工程】油压减震器。 vt. 1.【化学】用缓冲剂处理。 2.缓和;缓冲;保护;使不利影响减少。 buffer economy by raising interest rates 以提高利率来保护经济。 The drug buffer-ed his pain. 这剂药减轻了他的病痛。 buffer2 n. 1.【机械工程】抛(光)盘,抛光轮,抛光棒。 2.抛光工人。 n. 1.〔英俚〕无能的人,老派人物。 2.家伙,人。 3.【航海】水手[掌帆]长副手。 He was a bit of buffer. 他有点低能。 an old buffer 老家伙,老糊涂,老朽。
area n. 1.面积;平地;地面。 2.空地;〔英国〕地下室前的空地。 3.地区,地方;〔比喻〕区域;范围。 a vast uncultivated area 广阔的未开垦地。 a mountainous area 山区。 a fortified area 要塞地带。 an area of investigation 研究范围。 the liberated areas 解放区。 an area of fire 【军事】射界。 This room is 16 square metres in area. 这个房间的面积为16平方米。
Gets or sets the height of the buffer area 获取或设置缓冲区的高度。
Gets or sets the width of the buffer area 获取或设置缓冲区的宽度。
Gets or sets the row position of the cursor within the buffer area 获取或设置光标在缓冲区中的行位置。
Gets or sets the column position of the cursor within the buffer area 获取或设置光标在缓冲区中的列位置。
Sets the height and width of the screen buffer area to the specified values 将屏幕缓冲区的高度和宽度设置为指定值。
Slightly farther , both sides will all be isolated in the buffering area with the wire netting 再稍远一些,双方都用铁丝网将缓冲区隔绝开来。
In an optimal situation , for three rooms ( reagent preparation , sample preparation , amplification ) of the pcr lab one buffer area could be set up 在理想情况下, pcr实验室试剂准备、标本制备、扩增三个区域可设置缓冲间。
The pressure in the buffer area should be positive to assure the indoor air could not flow to outside and the outside air could not flow to the inside 在缓冲间内,可设置正压,使室内空气不流向室外,室外空气不流向室内。
Furthermore , the study has addressed this influence through the provision of a sufficient buffer area between the dbl and the hsksga 此外,本研究亦提出此等不良影响可透过在后海湾干线及洪水桥策略性增长地区之间设立足够的缓冲区予以缓解。
Abstract : the application of multipprocess in testing systems is introduced and the implementation of ring buffer area for sharing between each process by using dll is described 文摘:介绍了多进程在测试系统中的应用以及如何通过dll在各个进程之间实现共享的环形缓冲区。